In the church where I spent a large part of my childhood, it was common to hear that God wants us to have a personal relationship with him. By this, we meant that each person has the opportunity to a direct relationship with God, which meant that we did not need the church or a priest to serve as a go-between. We could go to God directly in a one-on-one way. Our talk about “relating” focused on how we related to God, not about how God related to us.
In the previous post, I wrote about the fact that God is not idea that is hidden, but that God in Jesus came out of hiding so that we could see him. God related to us. But this leads me to ask: What kind of relationship does he have with us? It was clear to me how I was supposed to relate to God when I was growing up in the church, but it was not very clear how God engages us. It was just not something we talked about.
I was puzzled by this fact in my first class on the Old Testament. I was 22 and I thought I had a pretty good understanding of God and what God wanted. Then the professor told the stories of the encounters between God and Abraham. It became clear that God was the one who approached Abraham and called him to a different path. God was the one who said that he would become the father of many, when he had no children. God was the one who said that he would have a son through his wife Sarah who was then over 70 years old. God initiated. God promised. And then God acted. Abraham and Sarah actually had a son in their old age and that son had children and then there resulted a nation of Israel. I distinctly remember my response. I asked, Why don’t we hear more sermons about this kind of God? Why are we so focused on what we do to be in a personal relationship with God when there is so much focus on what God does in these stories? It did not take me long to set these questions aside because I was so steeped in the mindset of focusing on what I was supposed to do. It has taken me a very long time to actually understand the radical nature of these encounters between God and Abraham.
Through the years, I’ve discovered that we often come to the Bible with a perspective that does not fit the way that the perspective of the Bible. We project our preconceptions and thereby miss the point. The Bible uses the word covenant to define the way that God is relates to us. I am not overstating the case to say that we cannot understand who God is and how God relates to us unless we view God as a covenant keeper.
However, there are three challenges that hinder our ability to see the way that God comes to us. First, covenants are not a significant part of modern culture, as they were during the various eras that the Bible was written. Therefore, most of us do not have any knowledge about how covenants work. Second, our common experience of relationships are formed by contractual interactions. We just don’t have much experience with someone relating to others through a covenantal mindset. Third, in the church setting, the use of the word covenant has actually been used in ways that do not represent what the Bible actually intends.
The remainder of this post addresses the first of these three challenges as it introduces what a covenant is. Subsequent posts will deal with the second and third.
One scholar who studied the history of ancient Hebrew covenants defined a covenant in this way: “An agreement enacted between two parties in which one or both make promises under oath to perform or refrain from certain actions stipulated in advance.” (ABD, 1:1179) In simpler terms, a covenant is a promise made by at least one person to act in a specific way for the sake of the other person or persons. For instance, two land owners might enter into covenant defining how they will use a river that runs between their properties. They commit to use the water in a way that will not harm the other. Or two kings might set up a covenant by promising not to harm the other, even if circumstances call for it.
The Old Testament is stuffed with covenantal language, especially when God engages humans. The Old Testament is structured around five major covenant where God promised to act in a specific way with a covenant partner. They are the creation covenant, Noahic covenant, Abrahamic covenant (mentioned above), Mosaic/Sinai covenant, and the Davidic covenant. In each of these, we see God personally making promises of what he will or will not do, and there is no opt out once the covenant is made. It is a declaration of how God will act for the sake of the covenant partner.
Some of these covenants are unilateral or one-sided. In other words, the promise does not depend upon anyone but God in order for God to uphold it. God is the only one making the promise, and God is the only one acting. God says what he is going to do and there are no conditions on whether or not it will come about. (We see this in God’s covenant with Noah when he promised never to flood the earth again and with Abraham when he promised to make him the father of many nations.) Other promises are bi-lateral or mutual. God says what he will do, yet the complete realization or reception of that promise depends upon others respond to what God has promised. This is indicative of the covenant made with Moses and the people of Israel on Sinai.
Think of it this way: A covenantal God relates to us by making promises of what he will do and being faithful to keeping those promises. The entire Bible is shaped by this pre-understanding of how God relates. It’s like the atmosphere of heaven. It’s the air that God breathes, which means that God connects with others by marking promises and keeping them. It’s just what it means for God to be God.