Sunday, March 7, 2010

Missing the Gospel

Today I stayed sick and missed worship with my church. I tuned into a couple of religious programs hoping at least to hear God's word, but I was rather dusappointed. Even though there were many scriptures quoted, I was saddened by the fact that all of the seemed to be geared toward finding success, God's will for my life or unlocking some kind of secret to being all I can be (for God of course). I must admit that I did not last very long and watched a recording of Psych and then fell asleep. I so longed to hear about the good news of God coming, of his inbreaking of time and how he expressed love, true love, that the world so needs. Instead I got a warmed-over version of the American gospel: if you do x then good things will happen to you. I've heard enough about what I need to do. What about what God has done? What about what God is doing? What about what God will do in the future?

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