Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life Change Brings New Challenges

Well, we have landed in H-town. And besides the heat, we are settling in quite well. We have done the normal things: Unload moving truck and put all in storage. Find preschool for kids. Register kids in elementary school. Try to make the kids feel secure in the transition. Try to feel secure in the transition ourselves. Do paperwork and more paperwork. Finalize some details on our house which will be ready in September.

This week, Shawna started her job at the church. I start my part-time role as an Equipping Pastor next week when the kids go back to school.

I'm getting my Fall consulting/training schedule organized. And I'm developing a phone coaching process where I set up monthly hour-long conversations to work with pastors and help them either with the implementation of a missional church strategy or with the development of small groups.

Everyday life stretches our faith in God but it's during times like this that my faith gets stretched. What is stretching you today?

1 comment:

Andy Z said...

Never ending draining of the pocket book! Always try to remember one day at at a time and God has always provided so far!!!