Thursday, October 6, 2011

Do You Need Ministry Coaching?

There are lots of different ways that an outside voice can help church leaders be effective. One option that leaders don't often consider is called "Ministry Coaching." With coaching, an outside voice walks with a church leader or leaders on a reoccurring and consistent basis as the ministry develops over time.

Two years ago, I helped a friend write a book on ministry coaching, and I thought, "I think I would really enjoy doing that." However, I was a full-time pastor at that point. Now, since we have moved to Houston, I am only a part-time pastor and now I have the space in my life to coach churches in a regular way.

If you are interested in this, I'd love to talk with you. Here is a description of how the coaching works. Or click here to download this information.

Coaching Purpose: To walk with a church leader to help in the establishment of small group communities that make a difference.

Coaching Process: Scott will work with the leader to establish clear goals and progress markers that fit the local context of a local congregation. The needs and circumstances of the local situation will dictate the kind of coaching provided.

Coaching Content: The information that will shape the coaching is introduced in Scott’s books Missional Small Groups and MissioRelate. More specifically, the content is based on the fact that most churches need to develop missional community through what is called an “AND” experience. What is needed is not a judgmental attitude that divides the missional experience from the attractional. We need a way to move people from an attractional mindset into a missional way of life.

Scott also has at his disposal resources that deal with the specific leadership needs (Called a Missional Leader 360) a Church-wide assessment (Called a Church 360), and a group system assessment (Called a Groups 360). Depending upon the needs of the situation, these resources might serve as additional content.

Coaching Pattern: The pattern is quite simple: we talk on the phone once per month. The first phone conversation will be for two hours, thereafter, one hour. In addition, you get unlimited email interaction.

Coaching Start-up: In order to get started well, all written information about the vision and strategy of the church would need to be provided to Scott two weeks before the first phone conversation.

Coaching Costs: The start-up cost is $400 which covers the preparation and the first two-hour conversation. The one-hour conversations will be $150 per month.

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